PEP-AH Guide
The PEP-AH Guide
outlines PEP-AH’s origins and structure and provides suggestions for getting started, approaching the implementation of our evidence-based framework on your campus, and establishing the go-to group (PEP-AH Campus Team) who will work to reduce alcohol harms on your campus.
Establishing a PEP-AH Campus Team is essential to reducing alcohol harms on Canadian campuses. A Campus Team is the main point of contact between PEP-AH and campuses. Having diverse perspectives represented on the Campus Team can help you develop an action plan that will work for more students, staff, faculty and other partners.
To help you implement the PEP-AH framework, follow these best practices for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating initiatives as organized in the PEP-AH process.
PEP-AH PROCESS: Steps to Implementing Successful Initiatives