Special Events, Meetings and Activities
PEP-AH Alcohol Intersections Webinar Series
We are proud to present an exciting new webinar series for 2022. Alcohol is a driving factor in many
negative outcomes for students. Join us in exploring the intersections between alcohol and sexual
violence, mental health and other issues. We’ll also discuss work by student leaders in addressing
each topic.
Webinar 1: Alcohol and Sexual Violence: Addressing Culture
12 – 1:30 p.m. EST
March 1, 2022
Webinar presented in collaboration with Healthy Campus Saskatchewan.
Learn about:
- How alcohol is a driving factor in sexual violence
- The role of consent culture among students in addressing sexual violence
- How peer-facilitated bystander interventions can prevent sexualized violence
Attendees will also participate in a facilitated discussion about sexual violence and alcohol.
Guest Speakers:

Sydney Van De Wiel is the Program Coordinator for the Waves of Change Bystander Intervention Program at the Antigonish Women's Centre and Sexual Assault Services.

Savannah Szocs is the Vice President, Student Life, at the University of Manitoba Students’ Union.
Webinar 2: Alcohol and Mental Health: Students in Recovery
12 – 1:00 p.m. EST
March 22, 2022
Learn about:
- The role of peer support in helping students who are in recovery from substance use disorders
- How peers can help students question their relationship with alcohol and other substances
- Stigma around using and not using alcohol
Attendees will also participate in a facilitated discussion about mental health and alcohol.
Guest Speakers:

Victoria Burns, PhD, is a registered social worker and assistant professor with the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Social Work.

Noor Hadad is the Project Coordinator for the University of Calgary Recovery Community.
Past Webinars
Driven by Data: The Tools You Need
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. EST
June 16, 2020
Those attending the webinar will learn about:
- How and why the Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug use Survey (CPADS) has been collecting data on Canadian campuses
- Institutional reports and potential survey items on COVID-19 and substance use
- Tools developed by PEP-AH to help you share and use CPADS data
Attendees will also be able to participate in a facilitated discussion about using data to inform campus
Students Leading the Way Forward
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. EST
June 23, 2020
Those attending the webinar will learn about:
- Student-led initiatives on PEP-AH member campuses
- Empowering and engaging students to take leadership roles in reducing the harms of alcohol on your campus
Attendees will also be able to participate in a facilitated discussion about how to better engage student leaders on your campus to help reduce the harms of alcohol.
Guest Speaker: Tess Walker
Tess Walker is an organizer for the creation of harm reduction materials with Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy. She will present materials developed in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada to reduce alcohol-related harms on postsecondary campuses in Canada.
By Youth, For Youth: Harm Reduction Materials for Alcohol Safety in a Post-Secondary Context [presentation]
Guest Speaker: Cassandra Chisolm
Cassandra Chisolm is a student at the University of Calgary and a student lead for the PEP-AH Western Region. She will share her work developing a video showing the signs and symptoms of acute intoxication and how to intervene.
Summer LEAHP 2019: Project Development at the University of Calgary [presentation]
Guest Speaker: Alex Vincent
Alex Vincent recently completed the Master of Public Health program at the University of Guelph. She will share her work on evaluating Guelph’s campus alcohol recovery room.
Evaluating the Campus Alcohol Recovery Room at the University of Guelph [presentation]
Data-Driven Insights: Pan-Canadian Alcohol Results
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EST
November 10, 2020
Those attending the webinar will learn about:
- Pan-Canadian alcohol results from the Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug Use Survey (CPADS)
- CPADS results for substances including cannabis, stimulants and pain relievers
- Useful data to build a clearer understanding of student substance use at your institution
- Data to drive planning, implementing and evaluating initiatives on your campus
- Lessons learned and planned data collection timelines
Attendees will also be able to participated in a facilitated discussion about how they are using data on their campuses.
Guest Speaker: Anna-Maria Frescura
Anna-Maria Frescura is an epidemiologist in the Controlled Substances directorate of Health Canada. She spoke about the Canadian Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug Use Survey.
Symposium for PEP-AH members
PEP-AH members are invited to attend a symposium to learn about campus-based interventions that reduce alcohol-related harms among college and university students.
Date: Thursday, October 3, 2019, from 9 am to 4 pm.
Location: Grand Times Hotel Sherbrooke, 1 rue Belvédère, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1H 0G8
First meeting objectives:
- Hear from international experts, network with colleagues working to reduce alcohol harms on Canadian campuses, and learn more about strategies and programs targeting individual students, the campus culture and surrounding communities.
Program at a Glance:
PEP-AH’s Advisory Committee is proud to present the symposium program. Download the Program at a Glance
Summary of the Scientific Symposium:
Summary of the Scientific Symposium of the Postsecondary Education Partnership — Alcohol Harms